Friday, March 25, 2011


The school that I work at is called "The Character English School". Kids come from all over Hualien County for one week of thorough and loving character teaching. Eleven of the fourteen teachers are Christians, I am very blessed to have such a great working environment.

Sam came this week. Sam, that handsome little boy I fell in love with when I saw him. He is tough, seemed to have abit of a hard heart and rough around the edges. He totally tugged at my heart.

The first day I had Sam in my class. Before I went to class one of the teachers said to me "careful with him, he was bullying some kids out on the playground". So, in class I watched him.  He was very particular with his penmanship. Everything he wrote was written small and perfectly (as perfectly as a ten year old can get). He was good in class, I thought he seemed ...sweet. There were no signs of him wanting to fight with the other kids or even to fight with me. I thought maybe he had just been in a fight on the playground ...maybe he didn't really bully the other kids?!

After the class was over he came up to me and ask me to play "paper - scissors - stone". But he wanted to play it abit more aggressively than I was used to. He wanted to play where the winner gets to take their right hand and pull back the middle finger of there left hand on the losers forehead. So basically you use your hand kinda like a slingshot. I thought to myself "ahhh how much could this kid hurt me". So I told him "sure, lets play". We started to play, I won the first couple times and got to "flick" his forehead. "This really isn't such a bad game" I thought to myself. Well then and he got to flick me. Mannn he was good! By the second and third time he won I made him flick the side of my head because my forehead was red just from his first flick. :)

So, that was the first time I played with Sam. I requested that I have him in my small group and got him! During the week, I played paper - scissors - stone with him, helped him in class and basically loved having contact with him. I of course treated him the same as the other kids, but he was totally my favorite!!!

After I had hugged Sam and he hadn't returned the hug, one of the teachers told me: "He wants love, but he just doesn't know how to let it in".
"He wants love, but he just doesn't know how to let it in"
About halfway through the week I found out that Sam is abused at home. I guess all he knew was violence. I kinda halfway joked with the other teachers "no wonder he's so good at paper - scissors - stone". But my heart broke for him. I hoped and prayed that he would really receive all the love that was given to him this week.

Today was the last day. We had English performance, each group of kids sang an English song they learned this week. Then the English Teachers sang Amazing Grace at the end. Before we sang the song we explained to the children what grace was. We explained that grace can be like a gift given to each person in this world, no matter what happens we are given the grace to try harder, to do better. We are given the grace to live a life of good character and we must never give up.

Performance was over and it was time for the final ceremony. This is when the kids receive their certificates and get there picture taken.

I looked over, and there sat Sam. He was trying his very very hardest not to cry, but he couldn't seem to help it. As I watched and gave him an encouraging smile, I thought to myself, I think he felt loved this week. <3

It was time to say goodbye. I hugged Sam a few times (this time he hugged me back) but the last time he hugged me was by the bus. He was headed to the bus but first came to me and gave me a hug. I felt his hand go in my coat pocket but I didn't think much of it, I just hugged him back. I was gonna miss him. As he went to the bus, I put my hand in the pocket that I had felt him put his hand in. There I felt it. A piece of paper, and I knew he had put it there.

After he left, I read it. It was simple, straight to the point and totally melted my heart.

Teacher LeeAnn:
Thank you! I ~ Love ~ you ~ !!!

This to me was huge. Who knew we got through to him. Who knew God got through to him.

He left, knowing he is loved. I hope he remembers that.

I can only pray that as he goes back to his home which is not a good situation that what he learned this week has impacted him. He could do great things with his life.

Sam in many ways changed my life this week. Not many kids get to my heart. Oh, I do love them all, I do sympathize for them, I see how hard there lives are, but in my mind I know I can only do so much and leave it up to God. But Sam... he got in my heart this week and I will be forever changed. For that I am thankful.

I love you Sam. I just do. :)

I never write. But today, I just had something to write... so here it is.

Thanks for reading. ~Lon